When I was working on my tennis startup, I went through a period of idea refinement. I toyed with the idea of changing the name from The Little Fed because it was too long to Glom, which stood for Glorifying Amateurism. And I started building the idea around Glom instead of The Little Fed. Like this:
GlomDraw = randomization. We want to build you an app where you can randomize a group of people for the purpose of matching them as partners or as opponents.
GlomVic = scoring. We want to build you an app where you can keep track of the points in the ongoing match with great visual clarity.
GlomMess = shortcoming. We want to build you an app where you can keep track of what you did wrong today in practice, then provide you the collective data in chart/graphic so you can take actions to improve it.
GlomFlash = tennis tonight. Showing places where tennis is being held tonight, whether it's a regular club schedule, or a sudden invitation to play together.
Glom Alike = ideal club. Think up your ideal club and see how many people actually want the same thing or close to the same thing.
GlomHack = maker movement. We want to teach you how to build tennis stuff, such as ball machine, ball stand, ball chamber, et cetera by recording the video of the instructions and sell parts/kits for you to build upon.
GlomMelt = sweets. We want to sell you sweet stuff because we secretly believe that everyone who plays tennis... secretly and not so secretly has sweet tooth.
GlomGold = virtual account. We want to hold every user accountable whenever there is a transaction within our app, so we create our own currency/credit to make sure every one of our users commit.
GlomCool = gears. We want to sell you selected, cool tennis gears that we personally recommend.
Glom XI = directory. We want to host a directory of coaches, courts, schools, and clubs so you can look them up and find them easily.
Glom was something I kept privately.
But lately I feel like I have so many ideas popping up in my head, ideas like Glom which have never seen the light of day, that I feel it's such a waste if I don't at least talk about them.
So with this post I'm starting a subsection of this blog where I talk about ideas and concepts exclusively. I want to record them, and put them into the world.
Why Do I Have So Many Ideas?
Jun 17, 2020